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2006, 2022

chemistry branches with examples

By |June 20th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Science|Tags: , |

Introduction Hello there, I hope you're doing well. Generally, Chemistry is a vast subject and there is so much to read & learn in Chemistry. This blog is all about Chemistry Branches with examples. Moreover, you'll read about some additional Branches of Chemistry. Keep reading till the end to read about the examples of Chemistry Branches. Let's get started....... 5 Main Chemistry Branches Organic Chemistry: Organic [...]

1806, 2022

benefits of vajrasana

By |June 18th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Yoga|Tags: |

Introduction Hey there, I hope you're doing well. We all know how important Yoga is in our lives. Likewise, this blog is all about one of the 'Asanas' i.e., Vajrasana & the benefits of Vajrasana. You'll also get to know how to perform Vajrasana. Keep reading till the end. About Vajrasana In Yoga asanas are done in four ways – Standing, Sitting, and Lying Down [...]

1706, 2022

0/1 knapsack problem using dynamic programming

By |June 17th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Information Techonology|Tags: , |

Introduction Hello there, I hope you're doing well. You've already read about the knapsack problem & its solution using the Greedy method. In this blog, you'll learn to solve the 0/1 knapsack problem using dynamic programming. So, keep reading till the end of the blog for the solution. Let's get started..... Knapsack problem: Given a knapsack of maximum capacity M kg and N items with its [...]

1606, 2022

infection control and prevention by hand washing

By |June 16th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Nursing|Tags: , |

INTRODUCTION  Hey there, I hope you’re doing good. We all are familiar with the role of hygiene in our lives. Today, you'll read about Infection Control and Prevention by Hand Washing. This blog is all about the indications, purposes, and assessment of infection control. Keep reading till the end of the blog. ACTUAL MEANING of Hand Washing Basically, Hand washing is a vigorous, brief rubbing together of all surfaces [...]

1406, 2022

important basics of chemistry

By |June 14th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Science|Tags: , |

Introduction Hello there, I hope you're doing well. Basically, Chemistry is a vast subject. But, it is necessary for everyone to learn the important basics of chemistry. As your knowledge is incomplete without the basics. Keep reading till the end of the blog for all the important basics. Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties, and change of matter [matter is defined as anything that has rest mass and volume (it takes [...]

906, 2022

care of surgical wound

By |June 9th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Nursing|Tags: , |

INTRODUCTION Hey there, I hope you're doing good. Do you know why 'care of surgical wound' is necessary? In this blog, you'll read about the meaning as well as the care of surgical wounds. Likewise, you'll also read about the purposes and important articles for caring the surgical wounds. So, keep reading till the end of the blog. Let's get started.... Meaning A surgical wound, also known as an [...]

3105, 2022

types of chemical bonds in chemistry

By |May 31st, 2022|Categories: Blog, Science|Tags: , |

Introduction Hey there, I hope you're doing good. Last time, we discussed the types of chemical reactions. In this blog, you'll read about the meaning of chemical bonds. Adding to it, you'll also get to know about the types of chemical bonds in Chemistry. Keep reading till the end of the blog to understand the bond 'with examples'. Let's get started.... Meaning of Chemical bonds in Chemistry Atoms tend to [...]

2805, 2022

8 qualities of software product

By |May 28th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Information Techonology|Tags: , |

Introduction Hey there, I hope you're doing well. Generally, you all are familiar with the term 'Software'. But, do you know about the features/qualities of software products? In this blog, you're gonna read about the '8 qualities of software product'. Let's get started.... The Goal of any engineering activity is to build the product. The product of software engineering is a software system but the difference between the software products [...]

2605, 2022

multimedia usage in various sectors

By |May 26th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Mass Communication|Tags: , |

Introduction Hey there, I hope you're doing good. This blog is all about Multimedia and Multimedia usage in various sectors. Adding to it, you'll also read about the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia usage. So, keep reading till the end of the blog. Let's get started...... What is Multimedia? Identically, Multimedia is everything and anything that you listen to and watch in audio, visual, animation, graphics, interactive computing images, and [...]

2605, 2022

types of chemical reactions with examples

By |May 26th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Science|Tags: , |

Introduction Hello there, I hope you're doing well. Previously, we discussed chemical reactions. In this blog, you'll read about the types of chemical reactions with examples. Moreover, you'll also get to know about 'additional types of chemical reactions with examples'. What is a chemical reaction? A chemical reaction is a process generally characterized by a chemical change in which the starting materials (reactants) are different from the products. Chemical reactions tend to involve [...]

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