
Clarifying of Bring Up Process as Successor by Regional Development Coordinator

Abstract: In this paper, I clarify the process of promoting successors for regional development coordinator in Japan where the population supporting the regional economy is decreasing. Especially, I focus on local cities where the population declines remarkably and show how to grow successors of regional development in business. This work […]

Clarifying of Bring Up Process as Successor by Regional Development Coordinator2020-01-04T10:00:20+05:30

Central conicoids, tangent plane and normal

  The general Equation of second degree (conicoid) :   The surface represented by the general equation of second degree in x,y,z is called a conicoid or quadric. The standard equation of the central conicoid – The surface represented by the equation ax²+by²+cz²=⊥ (1) possesses the property that all chords […]

Central conicoids, tangent plane and normal2020-01-04T10:17:16+05:30

भौतिकी में ‘‘क्यों शब्द का महत्त्व

किसी प्रश्न में ‘क्यों‘ शब्द की उपस्थिति हमारी जिज्ञासा को व्यक्त करती है और निश्चित तौर पर हमारी जिज्ञासा ही हमें नए तथ्यों के खोज की तरफ अग्रसर करती है। यदि न्यूटन के मन में यह जानने की जिज्ञासा न आई होती कि ‘‘आखिर, सेब नीचे ही क्यो गिरा ?‘‘ […]

भौतिकी में ‘‘क्यों शब्द का महत्त्व2020-01-04T10:18:19+05:30

Configuration and Conformation

Configuration is saptical arrangement of atoms present in molecules which is stable in general conditions. There is large difference of energies in these configuration. To interconvert one configuration to another bond fission or bond formations is necessary which is not possible in ordinary conditions. They can be isolated with each […]

Configuration and Conformation2020-02-13T04:58:07+05:30

How to Create an Effective PowerPoint Presentation

Recently during the college inspection for autonomous university, we all realized the importance of giving a powerful and effective PowerPoint presentation. Here are some of the observations and suggestions to make our presentation effective. 1. Plan carefully :- Plan the number of slides and content of the slides carefully. Wrong […]

How to Create an Effective PowerPoint Presentation2020-01-04T10:22:13+05:30
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