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Soft Skills

Soft skills also called non- technical skills are those personal values and interpersonal skills that determine a person’s ability to work well with others in a project team. Soft skills are needed to deal with external world and to work in a collaborative manner with one’s colleagues. These skills include effective communication, leadership and teamwork skills, demonstrating problem-solving abilities, initiative and motivational skills; displaying honesty and strong work ethics. Soft skills play a vital role in academic and professional success. It helps them to excel in the workplace and their importance cannot be denied in the emerging information or knowledge society. Development of soft skills needs practice .It is a continuous learning process. Various components of soft skills are confidence, friendliness, sociable nature, communication skills, listening skills, presentation skills, interpersonal skills, team skills, leadership skills, etiquette, cross-cultural skills, language skills, etc.

Soft skills plays an important role in resume writing, interviewing and communicating with people at work and in other areas of life.  It often transferrable across careers and industries. As you search for jobs, pay special attention to posts-calling for candidate with soft skills you possesses. You may also find it helpful to consider how you might showcase your soft skills in an interview.

Blog By :-

Ms. Archana Sharma

Assistant Professor

Department of Commerce & Management

Biyani Group of Colleges

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